In The Press


Leslie Odom Jr. Speaks to Situation Project Students

Leslie Odom, Jr. and Kara Young shared their journey with the play and encouraged students to find their own inspirations.

Situation Project Honored at Cynopsis Social Good Awards Breakfast

Honorees ranged from organizations exposing trafficking in endangered species to empowering veterans, to preventing bullying.

Situation Project Invited to The White House

Damian Bazadona attends Obama administration’s SouthXSouthLawn festival on behalf of Situation Project.

Will Free Tickets To ‘School Of Rock’ Spur Younger Broadway Audience?

Situation Project, founded by Damian Bazadona, has pledged funds to pay for five years’ worth of arts programming.

Situation Project Brings Bronx Students to School of Rock on Broadway

Situation Project Puts Bronx School Kids into the Broadway Lights.

Shaping Broadway's Future, One School At A Time

"A lot of people talk about the achievement gap," says Vincent Gassetto, principal of MS 343, and longtime friend of Bazadona. "I want to close the experience gap, too.”